Why The Octopus (Octavian)?

At Virtual Favour, we’re often asked two questions:

  1. Why an octopus?
  2. Why the name Octavian?

Both are good questions. Here’s the answer: Octavian, our octopus mascot, is more than just a logo—he symbolizes our commitment to lending a helping hand (or eight!) to solopreneurs and small businesses as they navigate the complexities of digital marketing.

Octavian: The helping Hand You Need

Octopuses are remarkable creatures—they can change colour, have three hearts, and even taste with their skin. Similarly, solopreneurs adapt quickly, wearing multiple hats to run their businesses. They may not have three hearts, but their dedication is boundless.

Octavian embodies this same versatility, intelligence, and adaptability. He represents the eight key disciplines of digital marketing, helping solopreneurs navigate the ever-changing digital landscape. By simplifying complex marketing tasks, Octavian allows entrepreneurs to focus on what truly matters—growing their businesses.

Octopuses are highly intelligent so the solopreneurs

Octopuses are considered the most intelligent invertebrates in the world. They love learning and can quickly solve puzzles, such as how to open jars or escape from tanks—truly thinking outside the box!

Solopreneurs face puzzles every day. They love learning and solving problems, having embarked on their journey because they think outside the box from the start, which is essential to becoming a solopreneur.

This characteristic is also mirrored in Octavian, who is quite smart!

Octopuses are curious so the solopreneurs

Octopuses are curious creatures, always investigating their surroundings and trying to learn more about the world around them. Solopreneurs have a similar approach; they read blogs, watch YouTube videos, and learn about the digital marketing landscape and trends so they can manage their jobs until they grow and get help.

We love creating what we call “small favours” for curious solopreneurs who are continuously learning new things to establish and grow their business. Never stop learning.

Yes, But Why Octavian?

Octavian and octopus derive from the Latin root “octo,” meaning “eight.” This root appears in several terms related to the number eight, such as “octagon,” a geometric shape with eight sides. Octopuses, having eight tentacles, aptly symbolize a digital marketing service with many disciplines that need to work cohesively to drive better results. This makes Octavian perfect for representing Virtual Favour, as we are a one-stop-shop dedicated to the digital marketing success of solopreneurs in the digital ecosystem.

The name ‘Octavian’ traces back to Gaius Octavius Thurinus, who was later known as Emperor Augustus. He was named heir and adopted in the will of his great-uncle, Julius Caesar, becoming Octavian after Caesar’s death. We love Roman history and are always ready to chat about it.

Octavian is our way of saying-you’re not alone. We’re here to help, every step of the way.

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